On your device there is usually a sticker next to the nameplate with a 2D bar code and the serial number (7-digit alphanumeric, i.e. numbers and capital letters).
The serial number on the sticker shown here is only an example!
Facts, figures and information for Cordless Lawn Mower RASARRO 36/38 (2x4 Ah): here you will find detailed technical data, as well as specific information on dimensions, weight and packaging of this iSC product.
Accumulator | 18 V (2x) | 4000 mAh | Li-Ion |
Charging time | 75min |
Idle speed | 3400 min^-1 |
Cutting width | 38 cm |
Cutting height adjustment | 6 | 25-75 mm | central |
Capacity of catching device | 45 L |
Wheel diameter front | 150 mm |
Wheel diameter rear | 220 mm |
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